Thursday, June 24, 2010

Six Days: YEG to YVR

It was a short getaway but truly relaxing! I enjoyed the fresh air and the amazing view of the mountains! 

Vancouver is a live and vibrant city...I can only imagine how diverse and exciting it would have been to be there during the Olympics! 

I was so happy to meet my parents in Van City and reuniting with my cousins and friends always brings good memories back to the forefront. 

Here are a few pics from my adventure out west including Vancouver and area, Horseshoe Bay, Deep Cove, and Queen Elizabeth Gardens.

- N.Remtulla

The best view is always from above, looking down at the rest of the world!

View of downtown Vancouver from Stanley Park

Absolute beautiful architecture - Lions Gate Ismaili Jamatkhana

One of my favourite shots from the week - at Horseshoe Bay

In my Daddy's eyes

A beautiful piece of art work along the boardwalk in downtown Van-City. 
"The moon circles the Earth and the ocean responds with the rhythm of the tides."

- N.Remtulla


  1. wow, really it's very nice and beautiful.

  2. I have been looking at all the pictures you have taken, just amazing - very beautiful work - Keep it up!
