Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mistletoe Mixer

Spark Social Events and Networking approached Noreen Remtulla Photography earlier this month to cover their first event, Mistletoe Singles Mixer!

Jill and Diane, the founders of Spark Social Events and I met up with a bunch of singles that will be auctioned off in support of the Christmas Bureau of Edmonton.

Check out these sizzling singles on Friday, December 3 at Dukes Sports Bar and Grill 12650 151 Avenue, in Edmonton.

Tickets are almost sold out so get yours today...only $10!

- N.Remtulla

Edmonton's Beautiful Singles!







Edmonton Crush Cheerleaders 

 Edmonton Crush Cheerleaders will provide some great entertainment at the Mistletoe Singles Mixer!



Diane & Jill - The Beauty & Brains behind SPARK Social Events

I'm super excited to post pics from their event...stay tuned!

- N.Remtulla

Friday, November 12, 2010

Africa - 365 days later...

Exactly a year ago, I was boarding a plane headed for Africa. A safari, exploring family heritage and a wedding were on the itinerary. I made some great friends and recently had my Mt. Kilimanjaro guide send me snail mail! Read about it on my personal blog:!

Enjoy the photos as I reflect on a trip of a life time - AFRICA!

Tarangire National Park, Tanzania

Poppies to Remember

Yesterday marked Canada's annual Remembrance Day. Sporting my red poppy and Girl Guide uniform, I headed over to the University of Alberta's Butterdome to commemorate Remembrance Day. With my Guiding sisters, we marched along side Boy Scouts, and various other troops associated with the Canadian Forces.

I managed to get a few snaps of the event:


 - Noreen Remtulla