Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winterfest 2010

This past December, I spent my first winter holidays in EDMONTON... brrr!!! I typically go home to Toronto to see my parents, cousins and friends over Christmas, but since we're trying to save for our wedding, I decided to stay in Edmonton and spend time with my fiance and his family. 

The Ismaili Community organizes Winterfest annually. I was so surprised to see the high participation rate from families and children and youth of all ages! 

I was asked to take some photos of the events so check them out below! 
(For privacy reasons, I have not posted any identifying photos). 

- N.Remtulla

I love 5-pin....I used to pick the "pretty" coloured balls to bowl with when I was a kid! 

My favourite shot of the night! 

New Years with a POP!

Happy New Year to all! May 2011 find you all with much happiness, love and success!

The past year is such a blur. I feel like 2010 went by with a blink of an eye! There were many ups and downs. This year's focus is to be positive and the rest will fall into place.

I rang in the New Year for the first time in Edmonton with friends and family, then spent the following evening with a movie and my favourite theatre treat...popcorn!

I couldn't resist... I had to make some popcorn while posting this's just so yummy!

Stay tuned for many fun adventures with Noreen Remtulla Photography in 2011!

- N.Remtulla