last post was in May '09? How does life always get in the way?
Yesterday was a beautiful day. The sun was shining! I came home to find the sun trying to shine through the closed blinds. That's how you know spring is upon us!
I decided to pick up my camera and take a few shots of the tulips that my darling bought me earlier this week.
Today, after running around town doing errands, I filled up my car at Esso and paid an extra $8.99 for a much needed car wash!
I waited in line for 30 minutes, wasting the $38.00 I just spent on fuel.....but it was totally worth the wait when my car came out shiny and clean!
I had forgotten how beatuiful my red car looked! I was so happy I just had to take a quick picture with my point-and-shoot I keep in my purse.
I managed to get one quick shot before my battery died!
Can't wait for the summer so I can hand wash my baby on the driveway!
Inshallah, I will post more thoughts and pics in 2010!
Until the next one...